Return/Cancellation Policy

Normal purchases have a 14-day return window, effective as of shipping delivery date. All products and orders are uniquely serialized and are entered within our database for tracking purposes.

All returns must be returned in the same condition (Brand New) they were shipped in and are subject to a 30% restocking fee. Function Werk Inc. also reserves the right to decline any returns with or without any cause.

All Shipping and Handling charge are non-refundable

All Credit card / Paypal fee charge are non-refundable

All order cancellations are subject to a non-refundable Credit card transaction fee. Please be mindful when placing an order if the items are desired and correct.

There are no exception returns on Used (Installed on Vehicle) or custom products or products sold within the "Specials" section.

Some other conditions that would invalidate your returns are not limited to using the product, improper installation, human error, 3rd party modification, tampering, or collision/accident damage.